will try to ask all your questions
What if I need to modify my order?
you can any time update your order as long as we have not shipped the items yet
What if I need to change my shipping address?
we will update the address by contacting the agency that we are working with.
Can I get same day delivery?
no since we will across the continent some at max it could be up to 5 to 7 days
What if I need a refund of my order?
no problem people do that all the time it’s part of the process
What if I need to change my shipping address?
not a problem
can i pay half and the other half when i get the merch
you can pay at least 70% of the main price and pay the 30% when you get your merch
can i do returns ?
yes if there is problem or you did not like the products we have no problem we can always sort things out